🔎experiment workbooks

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Over at EFF THIS! Meditation we are trying a business experiment this year . . . well lots of experiments, really.

In the spirit of “holding the seat of the student,” as we say in meditation circles, we are working together to create a company culture where, instead of thinking we know things, we run a whole bunch of tiny experiments all the time.

This could be anything from, “I think if we post to the blog twice a week instead of once a week, we will increase our traffic by XX%“ or “I think if I post leading questions to the community at 9 am instead of 1 pm, we will get X% more engagement.“

The point isn’t to be right or wrong, the point is to learn.

To make this more fun (I hope!) I put together some workbooks for everyone on the team, and we’re running a contest where the person with the most completed experiment books at the end of the year wins a prize. Someone already asked if it counts to run experiments in their personal life, too. (How cool is that?!)

I made this workbooks (picture below) and had them printed locally. They are cheesy, and pretty elementary-school -ish, but I think they are fun.

Some people have asked me to share, so feel free to download these and edit for your own purposes! If you use them, I would love to hear how it goes. (I also added our 2020 company goals to the beginning of the notebook so people can always be working in that direction.) Have fun!


(*I’m a Mac user and don’t have word, so this is export only. You may need to do some formatting on this one.)

ps. I send out a great weekly newsletter with goodies and fun stuff in it. Get on the list here!


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🎤podcast recommendations (book #068)